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~ The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ~

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Moggach Deborah The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Цена: 1933 руб.
Автор: Moggach Deborah
Издатели: Random House, год выпуска 2012
ISBN: 978-0-09-957202-2
Год: 2012

When Ravi Kapoor, an over-worked London doctor, is driven beyond endurance by his obnoxious father-in-law, he asks his wife: 'Can't we just send him away somewhere? Somewhere far, far away'. His prayer seems to have been answered when his entrepreneurial cousin, Sonny, sets up a retirement home, recreating a lost corner of England in a converted guesthouse in Bangalore. Travel and set-up are inexpensive, staff willing and plentiful - and the British pensioners can enjoy the hot weather and take mango juice with their gin. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a brilliant comedy of manners, mixing acute observation with a deeper message about how different cultures cope in the modern world.

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