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~ Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque ~

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Pape Thomas, Wundram Manfred, Marton Paolo Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque

Andrea Palladio. 1508 - 1580. Architect between the Renaissance and Baroque

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Автор: Pape Thomas, Wundram Manfred, Marton Paolo
Издатели: Taschen, год выпуска 2013
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0547-5
Год: 2013

No other architect in the history of Western art has had an influence so spontaneous and yet so enduring as Andrea Palladio. Palladianism broke through all cultural stylistic barriers. It spread not only throughout the Neo-Latin nations but held Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the countries of Eastern Europe in its sway and formed the lineaments of English architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. Palladio lived in an age which was extremely exciting for the historical development of architecture and his work was an important factor in the evolution from Renaissance to Baroque. This volume offers a thorough introduction to the architecture of Palladio and includes all works which researchers have attributed to him.

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