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~ Blue Lantern ~

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Pelevin Victor Blue Lantern

Blue Lantern

Цена: 1413 руб.
Автор: Pelevin Victor
Издатели: Faber and Faber, год выпуска 2001
ISBN: 9780571200184
Год: 2001

The short stories of Victor Pelevin are as individual, reality-warping and endlessly inventive as his novels, moving effortlessly between different genres and moods, bursting with absurd wit and existential satire. In The Blue Lantern he brings together sex-change prostitutes, melancholy animals and a cabinful of young boys obsessed by death. Sidestepping the world we take for granted, these stories show in miniature the fantastical talent for which the Observer acclaimed Pelevin's work as 'the real thing, fiction of world class'.

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