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~ Espresso 3. Corso di italiano (+CD) ~

Главная   / Книги   / Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках   / Литература на иностранном языке   / Литература на итальянском языке

Bali Maria, Ziglio Luciana Espresso 3. Corso di italiano (+CD)

Espresso 3. Corso di italiano (+CD)

Цена: 5659 руб.
Автор: Bali Maria, Ziglio Luciana
Издатели: Alma, год выпуска 2010
ISBN: 9788861820746
Год: 2010

In line with the outlines of the Common European Framewok of Reference for Languages, Espresso's new updated edition has been enriched with the following sections: cultural insight (for the development of intercultural abilities), self assessment of one's abilities and learning strategies (a reflection on one's learning skills), activities focused on task-based language use (to develop the ability to complete tasks by using the language).

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