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~ Directors - Art of Bollywood ~

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Rajesh Devraj, Duncan Paul Directors - Art of Bollywood

Directors - Art of Bollywood

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Автор: Rajesh Devraj, Duncan Paul
Издатели: Taschen, год выпуска 2010
ISBN: 978-3-8228-3717-7
Серия: Фотоальбомы
Год: 2010

Mother India goes to the movies Hand-painted movie posters that made Bollywood a winner Since its inception in the second decade of the 20th century, the Bombay-based Indian film industry-Bollywood-has developed a unique visual language, articulated by the vivid hand-painted movie posters that have since become highly-desirable collectors' items. While Bollywood poster artists produced a staggering number of these hand-painted images, their ephemeral work has traditionally been presented unevenly, with shoddy reprints and re-release posters. The Art of Bollywood digs deeper into the tradition, presenting the original art in its true glory-from seldom-seen posters to rare images of street publicity and cinema displays. The text provides a detailed discussion of the works of key artists, in this comprehensive overview of a previously neglected and underrated artistic genre. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the authors: Edo Bouman is a researcher and collector of Indian film posters and Indian film music, and runs the Amsterdam-based record label Bombay Connection, which specializes in South Asian film scores and soundtracks. Rajesh Devraj is a writer and filmmaker based in Mumbai, India. He has worked in advertising and television, and is the author of several screenplays.

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